Barely a week after House On The Rock Music Director Wilson Joel lost his car to a ghastly accident, his Pastor Paul Adefarasin, while preaching during service yesterday, just stopped his sermon midway, all Unplanned, and decided to give him a Range Rover Autobiography.
Church went wild in excitement, as Wilson couldn’t but express his excitement.
“I came to Church this Sunday morning with no plan to give away one of my cars, no plan. I didn’t even know, until this moment, that it is upon me to give it away.“
The mega pastor went on to explain his reason for giving, “You know why? If you can’t walk your talk, you have no business in the pulpit. Number 2, it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.”
The testimony had been shared earlier on, during the service.
“I gave you one hour waiting for someone to say we’re going to give Joel a car. You understand what I’m saying.”
The ace producer in appreciation bowed before his Pastor, but Pastor Paul Adefarasin was quick to divert the glory to God.
“Joel, don’t do that, bless God. I’m just an instrument. Don’t do that to me, I’m an instrument.’