
SWITCH IT OFF!!! – Written By Mabel Frank

When I got the nudging from within to write this article, I wondered how I’d proceed. Do I go with a laidback attitude where I inject a lot of humor or the more conventional fire and brimstone method where I instill the fear of the Lord into your hearts?

See, what I’m about to share with you is not exactly listed as one of the ten great “Thou shall not…” but the consequence of this seemingly petty deed might have dire effect on your spiritual life. The issue I’m addressing is the “indiscriminate” use of gadgets in church, particularly when service is in progress.

I’ll start by saying this, during church service, you either put your phone on silent or you put God on silent. That said, happy reading! The giant stride that technology has made as well as the numerous benefits it has brought to our individual lives is an irrefutable fact. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to share your thoughts with whomever you choose at push of a single button.

I’m also aware of the fact that a lot of us are deeply emotionally attached to our favored tool of communication be it a Blackberry, Symbian, Android phone or apple device. To an extent, this is harmless. However, when you let this attachment override spiritual commitments, you just entered into danger zone. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven”


I want to believe that as Christians, we understand the essence of fellowship with God and its place in our lives. If so, then we know that when we are in church, the call to fellowship takes priority over everything else. I once heard that “What you have no control over will have control over you” An apt adage for the “attachment” issue, don’t you think?

Let us go outside the church environment, the use of phones be it smart or otherwise in certain (if not all) organizations while meetings are being conducted is generally considered rude and could attract sanctions right? Ask yourself this question, how would your parent feel if they were talking to you and you blatantly ignored them because you were chatting or playing games on your phone? How do you think God feels when you do the same to Him?

During church service, a lot of spiritual activities take place, both negative and positive. At this point, you are expected to let go of all worldly attachments and focus on God if you want to access His Spirit. To do otherwise might jeopardize your life because believe it or not, life is spiritual.

Let me put it this way, that topic that is trending on twitter has no direct positive impact whatsoever on your life but what is actually trending at the altar has every chance of transforming you into a better person if you’d just key into it. So, unless that device in your hand has the ability to amplify your worship, simulate the Holy Ghost and perhaps open the heavens, I suggest you put them on silent or better yet, switch it off. And if you must use your phone in church during service, be very discreet and don’t let it distract you!

Written by Mabel Frank

Follow Mabel on Twitter @feistyarcher

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