
One God, One Voice #1G1V – ‘The Experience Lagos 2014’ December 5

The Experience

The Experience is back!

The body of Christ is an extension of God’s heavenly kingdom, and should live out on earth, the unity which is present in the trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the Godhead. One of the ways which the opportunity to express this oneness of hearts and purpose in the body of Christ can be achieved, is at The Experience.

On this memorable night, it would not matter if one is Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, or Catholic etc. But it would matter that we are all hewn from one Rock, which is Christ, and as His creation, our voices raised in unison to magnify His name. At the end of the day, this is all that would count and this is what One God, One Voice #1G1V represents.

Date: Friday, December 5, 2014

Venue: Tafawa Balewa Square, Onikan, Lagos

Time: 7pm till dawn

Featured Artistes: Angella Christie, Chevelle Franklyn, Chioma Jesus, Don Moen, Donnie McClurkin, Frank Edwards, Freke Umoh, Glowreeyah, Isreal Houghton, Micah Stampley, Midnight Crew, Nathaniel Bassey, Onos, Sinach


The Power of One

There is something very powerful about the principle of harmony, unity and acting in one accord.

Unity speaks of the possibilities which abound when men come together in one accord, the monumental results that can be achieved through singularity of purpose and the historic victories that can be gained in unity, while backed by the one true God.

Applying the same principle, “The Experience Lagos” leverages the immense power of unity, as an army of over 500,000 worshipers gather together in a super-charged atmosphere of pure and unblemished worship, raising joyful sacrifices of praise, in One voice to the One true God who is able to heal, save and deliver. Without a shadow of doubt, it is an atmosphere where His presence, power and glory will rest mightily.

In this light, The Experience represents an unmissable opportunity to cry unto Jehovah Shammah, that He may spare and heal our land, cause positive change in our collective fortunes, and reign supreme in all that we are and all that we own.

The Experience is a night of worship and supplication to our King, where Christians come together irrespective of race, creed or denomination, to offer praises to One God, on One night, with One heart and One voice.

Unity is the antidote for divisiveness, and brings tranquility to us collectively and individually. This leaves us with a teaser, which we should answer for ourselves.

What does #1G1V represent to you and how does it resonate, with regards to the Experience Lagos, which holds in a few weeks?

Will you be part of this army of worshipers, marching together as One, in worship of our God, pulling down strongholds in the land, breaking down ‘walls of Jericho’ and taking over territory for our King?

Brace Up!!! For The Experience…

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