Author of #100SmilingFacesByAmi, rapper, and photographer extraordinaire, ÀMÌ releases a new video to commensurate his birthday which is today 18th of April, 2019.
Smile by ÀMÌ is a message of Hope. Always remember to smile, regardless of what you are going through. You would scale through.
Smile is a project dear to Ami’s heart. A project of love aimed at putting smiles on the faces of every one he ever come in contact with.
A project aimed at tackling depression, self pity and inferiority complex. ÀMÌ skilful partnered with khanfoundation and thebloomstory to put SMILES on the faces of less privileged children in the suburbs.
Using the tool of photography to freeze this into memory that should always remain on our minds and in our hearts.
From the Praiseworld Team and Family, we say Happy Birthday and may God’s heavenly face shine upon you. May you continually increase in wisdom, grace, prosperity, and victories.
Watch Video Below: