Priscilla, Praiseworld Radio Correspondent in Canada — We stumbled on each other by chance via Twitter, thanks to Nikki Laoye. Trust me; I wasn’t going to let the opportunity slip away when it was dangling right in my face! {Laughing}
She dazzled me with her sincerity and personality. Fresh from announcing her starring role in the hit musical ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ and signing on to host a Choir-fixing reality TV show, as well as Michelle organizing a Destiny’s Child reunion on her latest single “Say Yes”.
“Heart to Yours” which topped the US gospel album chart and became the best-selling gospel release of 2002. Also a success, the album won Michelle a MOBO Award for “Best Gospel Act”.
Billboard ranked Michelle as the fifth Top Gospel Artist of 2002.In 2004; she released “Do You Know” which gained her a second nomination for “Best Gospel Act” at the2004 MOBO.
Michelle says:
“Some people will do gospel when their career fails, but I chose to do it at the height of the popularity of Destiny’s Child “And I didn’t want to do it because it was a fad. I wanted to do it because it’s in me. It’s in my heart.”
Her new Single Say Yes {a very popular praise song in Nigeria} which caught my attention and it featured Beyoncé and Kelly Rowland; The trio in Destiny’s Child generated this conversation on Twitter with my friend and colleague – Nikki Laoye:
Nikki Laoye @NikkiLaoye Its really nice hearing @RealMichelleW singing our Nigerian praise song with @Beyonce &@KELLYROWLAND #WhenJesusSayYes Love the new feel to it.
Priscilla: @PriscillaPWR @NikkiLaoye @RealMichelleW @Beyonce@ KELLYROWLAND But my question is why are they confusing us? Let us know if you are here or there. Nice though.
Michelle Williams had to step in saying “let everything that has Breathe praise the Lord.”
This made me pause for a while. My statement was not intended to accuse or judge, was just puzzled about the whole scenario so I decided to ask her personally and she totally agreed.
Later on she posted this on Twitter:
@RealMichelleW – Failed a test this morning! Some people are genuinely concerned about my/your soul and salvation…instead I was defensive!-
That statement hit me so hard, because I believed our conversation was one of the tests she mentioned {smiles} So here is Michelle with Praiseworld Radio and I am glad she’s doing this at our Anniversary Period.
{Yes Praiseworld is two years- Celebrating God’s faithfulness} And Guess what? She is here with her Nigerian/British/American Producer- {you figure that out LOL!}Michelle was gracious to include Harmony Samuels in this Interview and He was sweet to feature in it. Many Thanks!
PW – Thanks Michelle for your willingness to share. Congrats on your single – ‘Say Yes’
Michelle- Thank you so much! I am excited for everyone to hear my new music
PW – I know! I can feel your excitement. Is this your first Nigerian Interview and have you been to Nigeria?
Michelle – No! Not my 1st Nigerian interview! I’ve done a few! I was actually in Lagos, Nigeria last year for an event called The Experience where I actually sang the Nigerian National Anthem. I did TV and Radio there)
PW – Oh really! I actually missed the event since I was not in the country at the time. (For those hearing about it for the first time, The Experience is the largest Gospel Concert in Africa that holds every year hosted by Pastor Paul Adefarasin of House on The Rock- and yes it’s my Church Lol!}
I knew you would have done Justice to that. I think Beyoncé also did a rendition too when she visited years ago. Nice…
So tell us about your faith, when and how were you born again? – Your salvation experience?
Michelle – (I was raised outside of Chicago in a town called Rockford! I was raised in the Church! Went to church at least three times a week for bible study, choir rehearsals, Sunday school and Sunday worship!
The church I was raised in is a Pentecostal church called St Paul Church of God in Christ! I’m a COGIC girl! LOL!!! I was involved in the praise and worship team, directed the adult choir starting at the age of about 12!!!
I wouldn’t trade my upbringing for anything in the world! I love The Lord with all my heart and am blessed to have experienced his power at such a young age!!!)
The bible says that if you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.)
PW – Oh I’m glad you love the Lord with all your heart and to hear you say you wouldn’t trade your upbringing for anything in the world. That’s a solid legacy. Good for you Michelle. So tell me about the challenges you face as a gospel artist?
Michelle – Some of the challenges I face is people not believing in me or not wanting to play my music because I was in Destiny’s Child! It’s sad that people feel that way but I have to keep moving in what I know I’m called to do.
PW – Sad… Well, everyone with their opinion… I believe this Interview will open the eyes of people to really see who Michelle really is.
Moving on is a wise decision, definitely not everyone will believe in you. Best thing is to please God, do what you know how to do best, and just keep moving
PW – I read your quote online:
“…..It’s just that, right now I’m ready to try something different and to get my name and face out there in a different way….”
Can you shed more light on this statement?
Michelle- That had a lot to do with me feeling like I was put in a box and limited to what I can do! I would say that you should pray about your choices!
I’ve learned some wonnnnnnderful things being in Destiny’s Child and also doing Broadway!! My first love is Gospel music but God has blessed me with other gifts that he has allowed me to share them on big platforms!!!)
PW – Hummn! Well, it’s okay to protest or react when you feel you’re limited or boxed in or when you feel, you have so much to offer and you’re just restrained but I love what you said about praying about your choices. I will definitely take that! Smiles!
So are you strictly a gospel singer now or do you intend going back and forth?
Michelle- (No! I don’t think that I have to ONLY sing Gospel! I love all types of music! I love doing theatre, TV and film! Can’t limit myself to one thing! God wants us to be everywhere we can by being a LIGHT in such a dark world)
PW – I am not disputing that fact – It’s totally okay to do all types of music or be on TV. God knows I wanna be on a Tyler Perry Movie, acting and singing LOL!
As long as we are light shining everywhere, but my questions are; to what extreme? At what cost? How are we shinning the light? Should we as believers not set boundaries? And to set ourselves apart sometimes according to scriptures?
I agree!! As I mature in my walk with Christ, I am learning to set boundaries!!! My favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:6 “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, He will direct thy path!”
PW – Hummn! {Taken aback} Okay you got me there. I must confess I wasn’t expecting that response. And I totally respect you more for that answer. I pray for more grace and strength in your daily walk with Christ.
This brings me to the question of what messages do you intend passing across through your music?
Michelle – Messages of faith, hope, God’s amazing love! His healing power
PW – Oh that’s great. Love that and we can see that in “Say Yes” and previous gospel songs. By the way, I love your song – ‘Fire’ those words are so deep. Yes that reminds me, would you honour a Church invitation in Nigeria?
Michelle – I would love to be invited to sing at some churches in Nigeria.
PW – Oh Great! Trust me they will, after hearing ‘Say Yes’. {Laughing!}
PW – Talking about your single, are you aware that your single-‘Say yes’ is a very popular praise song in Nigeria? I am curious to know how you got familiar with the Song; and why that particular song.
Michelle- Yes, I am aware! The producer of the song is Nigerian! His name is Harmony Samuels! We were actually finished with the recording process of my album and one day he started singing the song to me and the power of God came over me and we ended up recording it)
PW – Oh Wow! In a bit, we will get to Harmony Samuels. Great Song choice and featuring Beyoncé and Kelly was pretty cool. How do you feel about B and Kelly?
Michelle- I love my sisters unconditionally and we are loyal to each other!
PW – Good answer! I mean who would argue out Love and Loyalty. Definitely not me and talking about Love and Loyalty, I know B and Kelly will read this interview. So I am going to say this:
To Beyonce: Lovely job on your part in ‘Say Yes.’ Honestly, I have imagined you doing strictly gospel and I love the passion at which you use in interpreting and executing your performances even though I might not agree on some things. However, believe me when I say I love you and I also love your rendition of the Nigerian National Anthem. Mennn! God really blessed you with a unique voice!
To Kelly: Kudos on your part in ‘Say Yes.’ You have some depth and I watch you as a great Judge on ‘The XFactor’ I learnt some stuffs from your coaching on the XFactor. God likewise blessed you with a fantastic voice. I pray that Y’all fulfill God’s purpose in this generation. God bless B and Kelly.
PW – Okay back to my special guest, how do you deal with negative criticism and disapprovals from people and the media?
Michelle- I try to deal with it in a positive way, media for the most part has been good for me
Where there times you felt discouraged as a Christian?
I think we all get discouraged! But I know that God is real and he always works things out.
PW – Very true. Talking of discouragement, it’s so sad getting disturbing news especially from Nigeria. Michelle, I want you to send a prayer out for Nigeria and the missing girls?
Michelle- God I pray for our missing girls and their families! Lord God send your peace right now!
I ask that You change the hearts and minds of the captors and every person with evil plans to harm your children! I pray victory over every household in the mighty name of Jesus….Amen
PW – Amen!!!! And everyone reading please join us to say a big Amen! Thanks Michelle that was touching.
If you were to compose a song for Nigeria, what will the Title be?
Michelle- (Smiles) The title would be “BEAUTIFUL!”
PW- Awwwwwwh!!!!!
PW – Kindly mention 5 things you want people to know about you
Michelle – I am really funny, I can cook, I really love Jesus, I really love gospel music and I LOVE YOU – PRAISEWORLD RADIO.
PW – I can just imagine Praiseworld Radio Crew saying AWWWWWH!!!!!! Wow to everything… That’s impressive. Any words of encouragement for Praiseworld radio especially as we celebrate our anniversary?
Michelle – Keep going Praiseworld Radio. Thank you for your love and support. And I am so honored to speak with you Priscilla!! Can’t wait to meet you!! Thank you for your love and support. Harmony and I REALLY appreciate you!! Keep in touch!!!
PW – Love, love, love you both. I will definitely keep in touch. Thanks for being our Anniversary Special Guest. And apologies for distracting you from your video shoot and busy schedule Lol!
I know I could be a Loving Pest sometimes I know! {Laughing}
Harmony is a self-taught musician who has mastered piano, bass guitar, guitar and drums. It is no coincidence that these instruments form the rhythm section; the heartbeat of all music. As a producer, Harmony finds the heartbeat of the music while excavating the emotional and often time’s spiritual heaviness of artists.
Harmony is the product of Nigerian parents, living in England, growing up in Church and listening to music from around the world; his Father, a drummer who played with many Nigerian bands in England and his mother a singer who never pursued a formal career as a vocalist.
As an infant, Harmony would sit in church and study the band always fascinated by what he saw. Fast forward. Harmony is a successful producer who has produced celebrities like Michelle Williams, Kelly Rowland, Maroon 5, Chris Brown, Mary J. Blige, Brandy Norwood, Jennifer Hudson, Ne-Yo, Keyshia Cole, Jennifer Lopez and of course Nigerian Singer Tiwa Savage.
He currently resides in Los Angeles, California, where he runs his record label business with his partner Chris Woods known as ‘Best of Everything.’ BOE; His production company is called Blackout Entertainment.
He was pleasant enough to answer me at a moment’s notice and trust me when I say I don’t have his contact, Michelle was the ‘Humble Middle Woman’ making sure I got what I wanted. All the same, thanks a million Harmony. I appreciate you a lot. ‘Say Yes’ is a winner
In His Words.
Who is Harmony Samuels?
Harmony Samuels is a Music lover, a musician, producer, and most of all a worshiper.
Meeting Michelle:
I met Michelle through our sister Kelly Rowland, I was working on Kelly’s Talk- A Good Game album which has a song I produced called ‘You Change’. It featured Beyoncé and Michelle on the album and Kelly wanted me to work with Michelle on her SOLO gospel album. The rest is history.
On the Single-‘Say Yes’:
I believe we were in the middle of Michelle’s project when she announced she would be going to Nigeria, As a Nigerian, who knows the culture very well, I told her to sing this old African hymn (when Jesus says yes nobody can say no) she immediately had a moment in the presence of God.
I was like wow! This song is powerful {Laughing} and she asked me to produce it for her. I wasn’t sure how this would translate in the US but felt Gods presence in it!
I knew I had to produce in a different way; modernizing it for the western world for them to understand as well as preserving the Nigerian Culture ‘Didn’t wanna offend anyone [laughing}’as we got the song complete, it was almost 9 months and we didn’t know what to do with it because it was so different!
Towards the end of 2013, Beyoncé and Kelly while in L.A requested to hear Michelle’s album. {The rest Michelle had explained}
It was surreal because Beyoncé and Kelly wanted to be on the song to give God praise and I was so happy to have such powerful people giving God praise regardless of their careers…
A few weeks later, Beyoncé’s vocals came in and then Kelly’s came to the studio to lay hers down…… I had a teary moment because this wasn’t just a song but it was a song for our Jesus the man that gave his life up for us all and many that don’t know will come to know and believe him through this movement ministry and through these beautiful women.
They have been a blessing and even though people throw judgment at them, the song and even me, we stand on giving our Jesus and our God praise.
Visit to Nigeria?
I have never been to Nigeria. I was born and raised in London…. But I sure have a reason to go now {Laughing!} Well Michelle isn’t Nigerian, but she’s in the family.
I worked with a friend of mine who is doing big things over in Africa. Her name is TIWA SAVAGE. I produced 2 songs for her: Kele Kele & Love Me. Which brought her to limelight in Nigeria and she has been winning ever since.
Michelle and I have a few projects in mind but for now, it’s completing the album and promoting the single and Album…. Go get the single by pre-ordering SAY YES coming out -6/2/14
Any Shout Out?
SHOUT OUT to Michelle, Beyonce and Kelly for doing an amazing job!
Shoutout to everyone at B.O.E; Redlight and Holly carter
Special thanks to my Anniversary Guests – Michelle Williams and Harmony Samuels- You still have greater heights to attain.
And I am employing and encouraging everyone to Pre-Order Say Yes on ITunes as it will be officially out on the 2nd of June 2014. I have, and you should pre-order too. Lets support, and make sure we proclaim Christ through ‘Say Yes’ all over the world, Let’s take ‘Say yes’ to the Grammys!!
On behalf of the Leadership and Crew of Praiseworld radio, I want to say, we love you. Thanks and God bless you richly. Do stop by at Praiseworld Radio whenever you visit Nigeria.
Special thanks to Rachael Damilola Odunewu, who stayed up late with me, giving me administrative support. Thanks dearie.
To all Praiseworld Radio fans. God bless you. Happy Anniversary Praiseworld radio and the entire crew. This is just the beginning.
Special thanks to my boss ‘Tola Omoniyi’ and ‘Awhy of God’ for your continuous support. Love you.
Coming next is a special Exclusive Interview with the CEO of Praiseworld Radio – Tola Omoniyi, aka Spiceonthemic.
Just in case you have any question you want him to answer, do send to and be sure I would publish it. Cheers.
…..Do not be quick to judge…
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