
Bishop Paul S. Morton Alerts Christian Community on Church Scammers

Often when Christians find themselves in dire need of financial assistance, the first place they go to is the Church. No matter what the reason may be – sickness, divorce, homelessness, or drug abuse – the Church always welcomes embattled Christians with open arms, right?

However, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Senior Pastor of changing A Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church, GRAMMY nominated and multiple Stellar Award winner, recently had an experience in this regard that turned out to be some sort of scam, and is alerting the entire Christian Community about it, via an issued press release.

Arthur Dover (aka Arthur Dover Bull), a gentleman who joined the church and then promised the ministry millions, has come to be found out as a con artist.  He runs a scheme sharing that he has won millions in a law suite and wants to give a portion of it to the church..  He states that while the settlement is being finalized, he will need funds to assist with legal and travel costs.

Arthur Dover met Bishop Morton and shared his story and asked for a loan of which Bishop Morton agreed to, after completing legal paperwork for the personal loan from Bishop Morton – not from the church.  Unfortunately, after months of excuses and empty promises to honor his commitment to the church and to repay the loan, Bishop Morton is sharing this story to alert other Pastors and the community.

“Arthur joined this church and connected with me under false pretenses. He approached me sharing that he won a multi-million dollar lawsuit and that he had been wanting to give a portion of it to a church and he had chose Changing A Generation.  He then asked me personally for funds to help him with costs while he awaited his settlement to arrive.”

These tales are not new.  Con Artist or people with ill intent often prey on the church because they are open to receive anyone and will take people for face value without going through a vetting process like other organizations.

If any other Pastors have been contacted by Arthur Bull or have provided him a loan, please contact Changing A Generation at 404.284.8865 and ask for the office of Bishop Morton to leave your information.


The Bishop’s wife Pastor Debra Morton, also took to instagram to say a few words

“GM! My deepest apology for introducing these men to any of you and asking you to show them love in spite of what people said! I am so sorry. Never have I met such deceptive spirits!. Arthur is a liar & a thief & Dwayne is blind, deceived and a liar too! I stop talking to them months ago when the Holy Spirit told me Arthur was lying. I texted him and I left them alone… They stopped coming to church after that…

The reason I’m writing this is because Arthur borrowed money from @bishoppaulmorton and others we introduced him to with promises to pay back, saying he was sick and broke! At the end when pressed for repayment he said he was in hospital and dying in 30 days!!!! I admit I was suspicious until he stood before the church and said, he was paying it off! I never thought anyone would do that falsely.

The devil tricked me too! Arthur always said to me never tell Dwayne because he is hanging on because of the money coming, is insecure and has a bad temper. So I don’t believe Dwayne really knows all the people Arthur took money from. That’s why I say he is deceived.

Consequently, he lies too on what Arthur says …I guess. Dwayne did my hair about 5 times. Excellent beautician and never wanted to charge me but I paid about 3 times anyway. Told both of them I don’t need anything from them! They said Mom you have to learn how to receive! Right guys??? For 62 years I have had and have now all kinds of friends, ex-murderers. gays, liars, etc and I love them for who they are when they are honest because all have sinned including me…BUT I have never met such a strong deceptive spirit that is strategic and who comes as sweet as pie in the name of Jesus but is foul as a dirty toilet!

When Bishop’s eyes were opened and he confronted Arthur via text, the real deal came out. He said some of the most filthy things I have ever heard. So shocked!!! He can dance with the stars but he knows the truth and God will judge him!!! We are living in the last days… Beware of the serpent (more cunning than all the creation) and live right before God! Again…. I’m Sorry! ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️ @gss_fgbc @changingagenatl @angelalyoung

What’s your thought on this. Ever had a similar experience? Feel free to share by dropping a comment below.

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