
Bishop T.D Jakes To Host “Leader Shift” April 27th-29th 2017

The Int’l Pastors & Leadership Conference was founded by Bishop T.D. Jakes. The theme for this year is “Shifting the culture, Changing a generation”April 27 -29th 2017. The conference provides pastors & leaders the tools needed to catalyze change in their ministries.

Bishop TD Jakes is a pastor, author and filmmaker. He is the bishop of  The Potter’s House, a Nondenominational American megachurch. He was born in South Charleston, West Virginia and grew up in Vandalia, attending local Baptist churches.

Feeling a call to the ministry, he enrolled in West Virginia State University and began preaching part-time in local churches, but dropped out of the university and took a job at the local Union Carbide and continued preaching part-time.

In 1982, Jakes became the pastor of the Greater Emanuel Temple of Faith, a small, Montgomery, West Virginia independent Pentecostal church with about ten members. Over the next few years, the church grew, drawing an integrated congregation that helped increase Jakes’ renown as a speaker and pastor.

The International Pastors and Leadership Conference returns to sunny Dallas, Texas on April 27-29, 2017. Bishop T.D. Jakes and Mrs. Serita A. Jakes will be hosting keynote speakers: Bishop Dale Bronner, Bishop Darrell Hines, Dr. William Curtis and Pastor Judah Smith along with many other influential leaders and idea-generators.

This year our Global Think Tank will take an in-depth look at politics and religion, moderated by April Ryan with a panelist of experts such as: Pastor Michael Pfleger, Joshua Dubois, Bishop Harry Jackson, and Paula

To all Pastors, leaders, ministers, entrepreneurs and millennials do not miss it. Starts on today and you can register on-site @tphdallas @plconf

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