It’s Halloween (All Hallows’ Eve) and I’m left with no choice but to reminisce and revere all our fallen heroes, those who have fought for the position that we now occupy so freely.
Well, Halloween is a yearly celebration observed (in many Countries) on this day, 31st October, the eve of the Christian Feast of All Hallows’ Day. It initiates the time dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs and all the faithful departed believers.
So yes, it has a Christian origin, but as it is with every other holiday or act, originaly intended for good, we see the opposite, evil domineering over good. But God forbid!
Many have died on this ground that we stand, just so we can freely walk on it. Many have given their lives for the freedom that we now enjoy and it is only key that we do not put all of these efforts to waste.
The traditional focus of All Hallows’ Eve revolves around the theme of using “humor and ridicule” to confront the power of death and the sacrifice of One makes fear, hopelessness, disappointment, even death a ‘joke’ that even the devil cannot contend with.
Oh! What joy we have knowing that we have a better place in store after all of these pass away… What peace we have in knowing that though they rest in flesh, the souls of our friends, loved ones and heroes alike are just beginning to find life indeed…
Before we get engulfed in all of the humor and fun of days like this (just like we are at Christmas, Easter and every other symbolic day); I urge you dear friends to sit back, and “Consider your ways” (Haggai 1:5).
Of what use are the sacrifices of all our heroes who have fought for a life free of corruption? Those who died protecting our freedom to live and to love… or the sacrifice of One who fought for our Salvation, the source of Hope we now have in eternity with the Father… Of what use are all of their efforts if we end up being worse off than they intended?
And then I’m left to wonder, what is the purpose of Christmas without the finished work of Easter? His death (and Resurrection) set us all free…
So enough of the “trick or treats” We have spent almost all of our time gambling with our lives; lives that the sacrifice of One bought over with a price.
No trick! God already gave us the best treat in Jesus!
The time Jesus promised is near and it’s time to gird up our loins.
I challenge you today… Retreat or Truth?
“This piece is dedicated to the sweet ones I’ve been privileged to spend moments with. Though those moments didn’t last, I know for sure they’re in a better place.
What next? I’m taking this life I’m privileged to have and I’m running with the vision of this truth I’m privileged to know…
Death is inevitable…Yet, the Sacrifice of One makes me look forward to life in eternity”
– Amy
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