
e-BOOK: The God-Size Void by Bolu Onasanya [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Bolu Onasanya has released his second book titled “The God-Size Void”, which is available for FREE download. The book that takes a look into the void that man feels, an emptiness deep inside the soul. This piece has an exposition of the thoughts and life of the ancient King Solomon, who was considered the wisest man on earth – some still consider him as that.



The God-Size Void (e-book) – Bolu Onasanya


I decided to write about how I produced my second book #TheGodSizeVoid after someone had asked me, “what were you thinking when you wrote that book?” and I had responded, “I wasn’t thinking!”.

On a Tuesday evening, I had just broken up with a girl I never dated, which had left me quite sad, confused and totally in a pathetic state… You might find this absurd too, well, it gets worse: I slept with my heart heavy, silently asking ‘God! Why me?’ *This totally cracks me up when I think about it*

Since perilous times bring me closer to God (you must agree that my state at that time was pretty perilous *LOL*), I woke up the next morning eager to talk to God. My morning prayers (an overly inconsistent tradition) was quite different; it was longer, my prayers were different and I was more attentive to God for answers.

For the record, God didn’t answer my prayers that day and funnily, I can’t even remember what I prayed about.

In the middle of this act (popularly called Quiet Time), the phrase ‘The God-Size Void’ popped in my head and I just knew it was a book. I was overly excited and immediately started to design a demo cover for it! While I was carried away with that, I believe God said to me, “Dude, you haven’t got the instructions completely! – you are to release the book August 12!” (Paraphrased).

Then my excitement disappeared in thin air. August 12 was exactly 5 days away! It was IMPOSSIBLE! (My first book, ‘Never Say Die!’ had taken 3 months to be completed – without editing).

I trusted God to do His usual (the impossible) so I started the project. It felt like all the words were being spoken to me and I was just typing – it was definitely more than me! I was outside myself – like I just downloaded the book contents from a higher source! *Although I included my thoughts in the book*

Eventually, I finished the book project within FOUR DAYS and sent the book to 3 blogs for a Download Link. Of which on the first day of release, it had over 600 downloads.

I WROTE, EDITED, DESIGNED and PUBLISHED the book ‘The God-Size Void’ in just FOUR DAYS!!!

Call it whatever you want to, but I think this is worth sharing! IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING as long as you’ve got GOD! I believed this and now I’m author to yet another book.

Don’t doubt that inner voice that instructs you on seemingly impossible tasks; that might just be God trying to prove himself to you! TRUST and OBEY!!!

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