NBC is developing a drama centered around the gospel music industry that DeVon Franklin, Holly Carter and Kirk Franklin are set to produce. The show titled...
Hamilton Ontario based contemporary Christian/Gospel duo; Folarin & Keziah, defy traditional norms as they burst unto the Canadian music scene with their...
After dropping three singles over the past weeks, American top pop artiste Tauren Wells releases the headline and last of the four...
Grammy Award-winning artist TobyMac shared a a heartwarming Thanksgiving message with his fans on Sunday that was accompanied by photos from his son’s funeral...
I started Podcasting officially June 2019. Some told me Nigerians are not into Podcasts, but hey, I heard the same about Online...
After his previously released single GOOD (Jesus you are so good) which has now become an anthem around the world, ROX Nation...
Ahead of Kanye West’s Sunday Service concert at Pastor Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church on Sunday, he and members of the gospel choir...
Popular rapper and music producer Kanye West performed his Jesus Is King “Sunday Service” concert at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas....
PITA (Praise In This Age) is popularly known as a singer, songwriter, fashionista and all round fun guy, but there are a...
In what marks his 17th GRAMMY® nomination, The Recording Academy has given seven time winner TobyMac‘s latest project, THE ELEMENTS, a nod for Best...
Even though he didn’t grace the stage as a performer, Franklin had one of the more poignant moments on stage with his...
In his first major appearance since a car accident nearly took his life, comedian Kevin Hart honored God at the People’s Choice Awards show....