In 2014, your weekday mornings will not remain the same, as a new devotional radio show will be aired on Praiseworld Radio...
Patricia Uwaje-King of Midnight Crew has officially released the video to her debut single “Eze”. The colorful video directed by Lexten features...
J.Clone shares a little of His love experience with Christ on his new song ‘All Over me’. According to the rapper/member of...
The Holyholla ‘PLUGGED-IN’ is a Live music concert that features creative lighting, multimedia projections, stage design and live music all in a...
Gospel music minister TMax brings you a classic worship song titled “Idinma”, a beautiful sing along worship tune produced by NGMA nominee...
FEGA gets her worship on to God in this rap song titled “True Worship” featuring Chisong. The gospel diversified diva gets all...
In the spirit of the season, TY Bello shares a heartfelt ballad tited “Jesus Jesu (Sweetest Name)” which symbolizes the true meaning...
In the spirit of the Christmas season, Emmanuel Ekpo shares a new song “Seasons Greetings” ft Godswyl. According to him, the purpose...
Tru south – yor nuttin but d tru Yeah Walking in thw valley..*clears throat *.. Lets Go.. Walking in the valley of...
D’bass returns with a new jam titled “Meta Meta”. A tune that best describes his genre “Gospel African Jazz (GAJ)”. “Meta Meta”...
Jedi delivers a fresh worship tune titled “Nobody”. A Don Adah produced song that shares about the love God has for us....
Ojuloge Ponmile releases another smashing single titled “Spiritual Something” ft S.T.O off her forthcoming album. ‘Spiritual something’ is an upbeat gospel hip...