David Fortune Wealths popularly known by his stage name David Wealths serves up a beautiful worship tune titled “Amazing God”. In this...
“Hakane” is a new collaborative single by Nigerian Rappers Eddy Jay and Cedar of the Lord. The Duo have risen as beacons...
About Zanja: Olivia brings an epic and rich African sound on a strong collaboration with Seya. The word Zanja is interpreted to...
Melodiously delivered by Rita T; “Wonderful” is a song of praise to the most high God, describing God’s awesomeness and wonders to...
A sequel to his song Lust Fight from the Ep Ready Go. In Aftermath, hear a captivating story that portrays a reality...
Born and raised in the beautiful coal city of Jos Plateau state, Marieanne Amarachi Orduson is a seasoned worship minister with a...
Tosin Muhammed aka TymoClassic Is an upcoming talented singer, songwriter, A Lagos born and Kaduna by origin. He kicked off his singing...
The highly anticipated music video by Lily Perez branded “Amazing God” is now out!!! After miraculously surviving a fire accident in 2017,...
No Balance is a song that generally highlights how society has been turned around, manipulated, subdued, re-packaged and then sent out to...
US based music minister Dare David releases new lyric video for the song “I Prostrate Fall” one of the songs from his...
Clap is a praise song on a trap beat, featuring excellent and energetic delivery from rapper Hassel. The song focuses ONLY on...
Nigerian Music Minister Ayo Vincent is all set for her first concert and live recording “Ayo Vincent LIVE in Concert” this Sunday,...