Chiika100percent returns with a new single titled Good 2 Me. This time he features award winning gospel music singer Tim Godfrey. The song is a thanksgiving song with an Afro Pop tune fused with a lovely acapella intro.
‘’My Journey so far has been a story of grace and mercy. When i think of the amount of progress made at such an early stage in my life, all I can do is get into the thanksgiving mode and declare God has been Good 2 Me’’
Download and groove this song.
About Chiika100Percent
Chiika100% (Chika Ezeigbo) is a Nigerian born gospel artist with extra ordinary abilities in music directing, vocals, and musical instruments. Born to a family of six of which he’s the first.
His music ministry took a positive turn with the release of his single titled ‘Anointing’ which took the gospel community and non gospel community by storm and has since been a blessing to the body of Christ.
He has continued to grow in music ministry and has since released 2 albums-while he’s presently working on the third one which is highly anticipated at the moment. The first album was titled 100%, while the 2nd album was titled THE REVOLUTION.
He lives in Lagos Nigeria with his beautiful wife Joy and 2 lovely children, Stephanie and Amanda
Follow Chiika on Instagram @chiikà100percent