President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” is now available as a worship song.
The song premiered at “Celebrate Freedom Rally” in Washington, D.C. and was sung by the choir and orchestra of First Baptist Dallas. It is available with a CCLI copyright for other churches to sing.
The Dallas megachurch choir sang the song at the rally Saturday at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., and the song has been listed on the Christian Copyright Licensing International website.
The lyrics of the song include:
“Make America great again
Make America great again
Lift the torch of freedom all across the land
Step into the future joining hand in hand
And make America great again
Yes make America great (again).”
The former Minister of Music at First Baptist Dallas;Gary Moore, is reported to have written the song.
Although, the song was also criticized by Jonathan Aigner the Director of Music Ministries in a PCUSA congregation.
“The problem is that it has been adopted by a significant portion of the evangelical church. It’s their mantra, their creed, and their prayer, and they shout it out with nationalistic fervor.
Pledging allegiance to God and to America in the same breath, melding together the kingdom of God and self, they pray a blasphemous prayer to a red, white, and blue Jesus.
“How tragically this prayer cancels out the prayer of Jesus himself. The political church prays: ‘Make America great again!’ Jesus prayed: ‘Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’ The political church prays: ‘Build up our empire!’ Jesus prayed: ‘Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.'”