Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo shared a video clip earlier today Tuesday 30th 2017. The video clip was simply a reminder to Christians all over the world. He stated that according to the word of God, they are the Head and not the tail. He urged them not to be discouraged by the circumstances around them but rather step into the new week by going all out to do something new.
He had this to say:
” You were created with purpose in mind. Your entire make up was designed to help you complete your assignment here. You were not called to take the back sit, God called you to spearhead something new! You are Roshe! Go on and be all God created you to be!
Have a great week!”
The video clip included him stating that we should not give up on our dreams but we should take a leap of faith and keep pressing on.
Further more he stated:
” The bible says you’re the head and not the tail. The word head is the Hebrew word ‘Roche‘. That means ‘the beginning‘.
Sometimes we look down on ourselves because we look at the people around us,we look at our siblings, at the people that are ahead of us and because they’ve not gone far and they’ve not achieved much, we sort of lower our dreams.
But the bible says you’re the head and not the tail meaning that you are the beginning of new things in your family, in your community and in your country.
God has brought you forth to spear head something new. Don’t Take the back seat to any one. Its time to spearhead something new, I believe you are a torch bearer so go ahead and do that new thing. God bless you!”
Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo is the senior pastor of The Commonwealth Of Zion Assembly(COZA) worldwide. He is passionate about raising people who are thoroughly steeped in Kingdom values and very relevant in the Secular world.
He believes that Christians should be able to influence the society with kingdom principles. His excellent blend of excellence and spirituality has made him stand out. He believes God has a plan for everybody and that God can take the most unlikely and use him powerfully.