Essemm announces his new gospel single titled “You be God”, few months after releasing his last single, “Nara Ekele”.
The singer revealed that “You be God” will be included in his debut album also titled “You Be God” which will be released later in the third quarter of this year.
The song “You be God” explores the supremacy of God over every situation in our lives.
“Irrespective of our shortcomings, he never changes, he will bring us to an expected end,” – said Essemm.
On his inspiration for the song he explained that he wrote the song from a place of assurance that God is still God, he never stops loving us for a single moment.
The song lyrics highlights the fact that no one can take God’s place in our lives, power is in his hands and he will never change.
Essemm said he got the song in 2014 however he didn’t receive instruction to document it till 2019.
Blessed with a sonorous voice, Essemm is a worshipper, song writer, multi-instrumentalist with great energy whenever he leads worship. He was formally a lead singer of one of the greatest rock bands in Nigeria “Rock Eternal.”
He has released several singles including “You be God”, “Alade Ogo”, and”Nara Ekele” which are all blessing lives across the globe.
He is currently the president of TWF Concept and one of the lead worshipers at Manifold International Church.
TFW Concept is a Christian initiative seeking to spread the gospel by beating the drumbeats of every individual’s heart and helping each and every one truly understand the meaning of worship.
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