Artise: Femi Lowo
Song Title: Baba Ese
“BABA ESE” is a song of praise and thanksgiving to Jehovah; it is prophetic, praising in advance of God’s goodness.
Listen & Download (Lyrics below)
He has done for me
What no man can do
That’s why I praise His name
For He has done me well
Ma pariwo! (I will shout)
Baba E se o (Thank You Father)
Ma pariwo! (I will shout)
Baba E se o (Thank You Father)
Ma wi f’aye o! (I will tell the world)
Baba E se o (Thank You Father)
Alagbawi mi (My Advocate)
E seun (Thank You)
I will tell it on the mountain
Shout it in the valley
That You are good
So good
So good
(Percussion chant)
O se, O se, Olorun Oba (thank You God the King)
Iwo nikan l’ope to si (You alone deserve thanksgiving)
O se, O se, Oba t’on s’ohun gbogbo ninu ohun gbogbo (thank You the King who does all things)
Iwo nikan, Iwo nikan (You alone)
Iwo ma l’ope ye (You alone are worthy of thanksgiving)
Baba E se
Baba E se o
(Thank You Father)
Lori aye mi Baba E se (in my life thank You Father)
Ninu Ile mi Baba E se (in my household thank You Father)
Lori Ebi mi Baba E se (in my family thank You Father)
Lori ileede wa Baba E se (in our nation thank you Father)
Ese adupe at’ojomojo (thank You for all the time)
Ese adupe at’odunmodun (thank you for all the years)
Olufemi Olulowo also known as Femi Lowo is a worship leader at the Fountain of Life Church Headquarters, Ilupeju, Lagos State, Nigeria. He is a prolific song writer who loves to showcase God through songs and singing. He takes pleasure in leading people in worship. He released his debut musical album titled “No Rock” in 2010. He released a single titled Song of Freedom” in 2015. He also released both the audio and video of a single titled “Adaba Orun” in 2016. Olufemi is a lawyer by profession, passionate about good governance and he is happily married.