Poet artiste and rapper Glofame drops his latest spoken-word work of art titled “I Can”.
Having travelled across Nigeria and graced numerous platforms, the Lagos-based lyricist puts out his fifth studio work after works like ‘Lyrics Got Power’, ‘Beautiful Clays’, ‘No More Selfies’ and ‘Blood.Pain.Hope’, his contribution to the ‘Escape Africa’ Project with McJones.
According to the artiste:
” ‘I Can’ is a spoken-word piece: a teaser to my conversations with God. After conversations like this, I give it all up to Him.
However, it is in the contriteness of such exchange that I have understood Fear will never tell you there’s nothing to lose if you win. So I have learnt to go all in and in the name of Jesus.
On the day (12, April 2019) she released the visuals for her ‘Sippin My Tea’ single, God Over Money’s A. I. The Anomaly wrote:
” The arts helped me cope through trauma and tragedy. I began to look at life as a blank canvas and my paintbrushes were poetry, music, theatre, photography, and film. My hope is to pour my paint in order to encourage, ignite, and inspire thought within others. “
Like A. I., I hope to do the same with my art, touching the heart and soul of every one-man who finds himself in one struggle or the other.
As someone who is caught up in conversations on a daily, I am easily burdened by my understanding of the different challenges people go through.
Like Sevin advised in his ‘Fall’ song:
“This is more than a song, but it’s alright if the music moves you.”
Hopefully, this gets through to someone, and God be praised. “
Glofame is a writer, journalist, Photographer, Cinematographer, OAP, (Spoken Word) poet and rapper who is engaging society with his art in the name of Jesus.
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All I’ve ever wanted is to be all you want me to be. You told me I have Dominion over everything because I carry all of you in me. But each time I spread my wings to fly, my mind tells me another lie: the wind will rock you; the flood will sweep you; the pressure will break you; depression will take you away. Forever!
I know I have your fire in me, but why does Life’s heat still burn me? Why does my energy fail at the cost of my emotions when I need them most? I can’t pull out a finger in count of how many times I won something, and if you listen closely you’ll hear even my heart beats me. So if, in this weakness, I give up once again, I want you to know you could have taken the opportunity to leave me alone.
You left me notes of all you think I could do, but I can’t run the riffs in these cords that bind me. So I’ll sing. I’ll sing of the power in your name. I’ll word a prayer to the Heavens for moving of my mountains. I’ll raise your banner and hope you win this fight for me. I have climbed so far up this cliff, and with all that is left of my strength I dare you to save me from Gravity as I jump.
And if I hit the ground, I hope I find one more reason to be broken and stand again. I pray none of these moves me to a haunted house where I can no longer hear your voice. Even though I feel so dead, I can’t deny there’s fire shut up in my bones each time you speak to this Misfit!
I’ll stand and fight- come what may
Through the night, all noon and day
Give me your strength- I can do all things
It’s not by power, it’s not by the mighty
I can do all things
All by your strength
I can do all things
All by your power
I can do all things
All by your grace
I can do all things
In Jesus name.
48: As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him.
49: Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground.
50: So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.
1 Samuel 17:48-40 (NIV)