God is still great in the eyes of Americans, even on the internet. While an amazing 88 percent of the nation’s homes own a Bible, more and more are switching to the internet, cell phones and iPad for their weekly inspiration, according to a sweeping new survey of Bible use.
In their latest survey of Bible use, the American Bible Society finds that 41 percent of Americans used the internet to read the good book on a computer.
Some 29 percent said they searched Bible verses on a cell phone and 17 percent said they read an electronic version of the Bible on a Kindle or iPad.
The trend is similar in the news business, with the readers shifting to digital over paper.
“The data shows a continual shift to digital content. The number of Bible readers who use their smart phone or cell phone to search for Bible content has increased each year, with a 6 percent increase in the use of this format from 2012,” said the Society.
“Use of internet to find Bible content has also increased, up 4 percent from 2011,” they added.
And, said the survey of 2,083, the most read and searched version of the Bible was the King James version. Thirty-eight percent preferred that over the New King James version, which just 14 percent prefer.
Americans also said that the Bible is king over the Koran, with 80 percent calling the Bible sacred, with just 8 percent citing the Koran. That was followed by the Torah, at 4 percent, and Book of Mormon at 3 percent.
With more people tapping into the Bible for direction and inspiration, the most read book in the world is also having a bigger influence in American politics.
More than two-thirds, or 69 percent, said their personal faith has at least a little influence in political issues. And the percentage of those who said their faith influences their political leanings has increased from 27 percent last year to 31 percent this year.
Other findings:
— 77 percent believe that morality in America is on the decline, with a third blaming the lack of bible reading.
— 66 percent believing teaching the Bible in public schools is important.
— 54% of adults agreed with the statement, “the Bible and politics do not mix.”
— 22% of adults believe the Bible should be taken literally, word for word