Hope Davis is one of the consistent praise and worship Music Ministers in the books. Despite her challenges, she is still Standing. A successful Nigerian who resides in the USA; the KORA Award Nominee whose talents and personality has taken her to Canada, UK, Germany, USA, South Africa and Zaria to be used as an instrument of God to bless lives.
Her command and control of the Stage is fascinating! She had a chat with our correspondent Priscilla, and it was a good time indeed. Enjoy!
Priscilla – Congratulations on clocking 50. Please tell us the secret of your charming looks and vibrancy even @ 50?
Hope Davis – {Smiles} it is the Lord. The bible says ‘the joy of the Lord is your strength.’ Stay on the joy and your strength will not abate.
Priscilla – Hummn! You know, the first time I witnessed your ministration, I was ‘wow-ed’! So much energy and passion, how do you do it? I mean, what’s the longest time frame you’ve ministered on stage?
Hope Davis – {Still smiling} like 5 hours continuous ministration.
Priscilla – Wow! That’s impressive for a 50 year old. I’m impressed. More strength to you Ma’am.
So how do you prepare for a ministration? Do you have a personal voice Coach?
Hope Davis – Of course, as soon as a date for any program is set, a minister begins to prepare consciously and unconsciously. Questions like-Who are the people? What songs do they like? How can I be a blessing? Etc. comes to mind. The Holy Ghost is my coach!
Priscilla – What inspires your music and who are your mentors in the music ministry?
Hope Davies – Holy Ghost is my inspiration and I like Shirley Ceaser a lot!
Priscilla – Looking at your music ministry in the US and Nigeria, how have you been able to penetrate the US audience? Could you please share your challenges and victories?
Hope Davies – Years of experience on the stage has taught me a lot of things on how to reach diverse culture and people and as for challenges: Nervousness of not being able to produce music that are up to international standard as well as lack of funds, but the Lord has been good in exposing me internationally.
Priscilla – What made you relocate to the US?
Hope Davies – It was just time – In His time he makes all things beautiful.
Priscilla – Kudos on your recent Project Hope Foundation. What birthed this vision? And how do you balance family, ministry and your project.
Hope Davies – Helping people, especially the less-privileged is something I’ve wanted to do since childhood. I like to help people always. Hope foundation is just an off shoot of who I am.
In regards to balancing family and ministry, you must be disciplined with the use of your time to balance all.
Priscilla – What are your greatest accomplishments in music so far?
Hope Davies – Supernatural happenings in People’s lives after hearing my music; like Cripples walking out of Wheelchairs, blessings of pregnancies and different testimonies etc. are my greatest accomplishments
Priscilla – I thank God for your Life and his faithfulness. More grace and anointing in Jesus name.
Are you currently working on any music project?
Hope Davies – I’m about to release a new live DVD recording in a few weeks, recorded in Maryland-USA.
Priscilla – Oh Great! I look forward to that. Any advice for upcoming artistes?
Hope Davies – Stay focused and do not let any man define who you are but the word of God.
Priscilla – Awesome! Any words for Praiseworld Radio?
Hope Davies – The media is the biggest tool for spreading the gospel, so keep up the good work because he commanded us to go out into the world and preach the gospel which is what you are doing right now. So keep up the good work. God bless you all.
Thank you for your time Ma’am.
Watch out for Hope Davies Live recorded DVD few weeks from now and stay logged on to www.praiseworldradio.com always. Stay blessed. See you next week for another edition.
Twitter: @PriscillaPWR