MUSIC: Lily Perez – Anointed

Anointed by Lily Perez is an awakening sound, to let Believers know and understand that they have been anointed with the Holy Ghost and the Spirit of God now dwells fully in them. We are not trying to be anointed, we are already anointed. Once we’ve receive Jesus into our hearts, the Holy Spirit resides in us and we have that same power to live as Christ in His fullness

Acts 10:38 (NKJV)
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.

You have anointed me
With the Holy Ghost and power
You have anointed me
With the Holy Ghost and power

I can do the impossible
I can see the invisible
You have anointed me
With the Holy Ghost and power

Speed of the Holy Ghost
Joy of the Holy Ghost
Breath of the Holy Ghost
Life of the Holy Ghost
I have the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost and power

Speed of the Holy Ghost
Joy of the Holy Ghost
Breath of the Holy Ghost
Life of the Holy Ghost
Speed of the Holy Ghost
Joy of the Holy Ghost
Breath of the Holy Ghost
Life of the Holy Ghost

I have the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost and power

I have the Holy Ghost and power
I have the Holy Ghost and power
I have the Holy Ghost and power
I have the Holy Ghost and power

Speed of the Holy Ghost
Joy of the Holy Ghost
Breath of the Holy Ghost
Life of the Holy Ghost
I have the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost and power

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