Artiste Name: 10dekai
Song Title: Supernatural
The message of the year. A classic hip hop
banging beat plus catchy bars will get you
bumping and confessing the right things
about your year and your life.
10dekai a.k.a 10 to the K, a member of the
BLW Campus Ministry a.k.a Christ Embassy,
a member of the hip hop clique Blacka
Family led by G Clan and also he is part of
the new loaded hip hop group The Kings
Creed. 10dekai skillfully ropes in the message of the
year on his song… check out what he said
“i always wanted to do that… all i wanted
was to make a very simple hip hop song
but i made a classic banger instead still all
is good since it will get the job done. The
aim is to help the listener to stay conscious
of the message of the year and to keep the
word on their mouths… Its an anthem! Its
an affirmation! Personalise it!”
The track is heavily influenced by Pastor
Chris Teachings and bible verses. He calls it
#wordbars hip hop. You want to listen to
his track.
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