SO GOOD is a song of gratitude and thanksgiving. I don’t think I can count the number of times God showed up for me, even when I least expect him to.
Featuring on this song are: Manus Akpanke and Steve williz
I pray that as you take time to listen to this song, it will help you find a reason to be grateful to the one and only God.
I-Fee Sound, the CEO of IMAGINATE SOUNDS LIMITED, is an abuja based producer and audio engineer. He is regarded as one of the best Live Music Producers in Nigeria, having worked with the likes of Alternate Sound, Freke Umoh, Dunsin Oyekan and the list goes on.
He is also a worship leader, a music director and a recording artist. He recorded his first album, Got what you asking for, in 2011.
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Verse 1
I will sing to You from my heart
With my voice i’ll raise a son of thanksgiving
You have been so good
You’ve been real good
I will dance and magnify You lord
You have been so good to me
You have been so good to me
There is nothing I can give to You
Than to dance and magnify you Lord
Verse 2
From my heart I’ll make a melody
And my soul will sing and magnify You Lord
With my hands lifted high
My mouth full of praise
I will break my Alabaster box
A thousand fallen by my left
Then thousand by my right
only with my eyes i’ve seen
No strand has left my hair
You are always there for me when no one seem to care
You have been so merciful
Your mercy is all I see