Ola the sensational recording artiste, wife, mother, confectionist, TV presenter and first lady of splendor music is at it again. This time, she caters for our musical appetite with an awesome melody garnished with the gracious sweetness of the Name that is above every other name.
You can most certainly feel as you hear this new song that as ministry and career grows, the unmistakable sound in her music has evolved! This is the first of two singles she has promised to bless her teeming fans with, it’s titled The Name Of Jesus.
The name of Jesus is not a magic word. The power is not even in saying words, but in understanding and believing all that the name of Jesus signifies. His name represents all of His finished work on the cross, fulfilling God’s plan of redemption and salvation, victory over sin, death, and over the devil’s entire realm.
Twitter: @OnabajoOlawale