Paul Adams formerly known as Paul Agubata a gospel artiste who has been a blessing to the body of Christ for over 2 decades in Nigeria, Africa and in deed the whole world through his songs.
Paul has done songs that we have come to love and use in churches world over, songs like So Gi Bu Chi. YAWEH YAWEH, ONYE NEME NMA IMELA, AGIDIGBA, COME TO GIVE YOU PRAISE, ITS MINE, to mention but a few.
These two songs Winna Man and baba Ooh, will bless your life, and get you up to your feet to praise God, while we await his soon to be released live worship album.
Winna man is an energetic track that will get you to dance, while Baba ohh is a mid tempo praise song. click on the links below to get the songs.
Twitter: @pauladams015