Artiste: Retta Khare
Song Title: For Thine Is The Kingdom
Inspired by the Holy Spirit to acknowledge/reference God’s awesome power, dominion, beauty, glory, and kingdom whose reign is eternal.
Having God’s kingdom come in our daily living is essential to us fulfilling our God’s purpose on earth hence this song is imperative to get us going on a day to day basis.
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Glory to his name
All honor be to him
He reigns forever on his throne
Let’s magnify his name
All power to his name
All praises be to him
Exalt his name forever
For he’s the king of all kings
For thine is the kingdom
The power and glory
Forever and ever amen
For Here comes the king
His reign will not cease
Here comes the ruler of all
Here comes the master
Here comes the healer
Here come the ruler of all
Hallelujah 3x amen
Retta Khare is a music minister, songwriter and recording artist. She hails from ika north east local govt area of Delta state.
Her whole life has been revolved around music; singing in church, choir, and ministrations events. She’s had the opportunity to serve and lead in the vineyard of God and has shared the stage with powerful ministers like micah stampley, Juanita bynum to name a few.