Melodiously delivered by Rita T; “Wonderful” is a song of praise to the most high God, describing God’s awesomeness and wonders to mankind.
Wonderful are the ways of the Lord
No one like you, no one like you (*3)
Wonderful wonderful, glorious marvelous you are no one like you
Idie ebube (*3)
No one like you
Repeat all
Glorious, no one like you
Idie ebube no one like you
We join the angels and say
Ebi owei
There’s no body so beautiful
No body so wonderful- nobody
There’s nobody- no one like you
There’s no body so powerful _ nobody
No body so great in wisdom _ nobody
No body who can turn everything around for you and me _nobody
There’s no body so beautiful _nobody
Nobody so awesome _ nobody
Nobody who saith a thing and it comes to pass. _ nobody
Nobody who’s our shield and defence_ nobody
Nobody.. Consuming fire – nobody
Nobody who walks on the wings of the wind.
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