Lagos, NG — Rosemary returns with her official sophomore single ‘Nara Ekele’; a follow up worship song to her debut – ‘Dwelling Place‘. Pure worship, thanksgiving and expressing adoration to God in the ibo dialect. This should make a good addition to your worship music playlist. (Check out the lyrics below)
Onye kere uwa , owu ya kibu
(creator of the world, that’s who you are)
Onye na gwo oria, owu ya kibu
(The one that heals, that’s who you are)
Onye ne me Nma (the one that does good)
Nara Ekele (receive my thanks)
You are the risen Lord
And you are the great I am
I can search through eternity
And find find there’s no one else like you
Nara Ekele, receive my praise
Nara Ekele
2nd chorus
Onye kere uwa , owu ya kibu
(creator of the world, that’s who you are)
Onye na gwo oria, owu ya kibu
(The one that heals, that’s who you are)
Aka na kpu Nwa, owu ya kibu
(The hand that forms babies, that’s who you are)
Onye ne ye udo, owu ya kibu
(The one that gives peace, that’s who you are)
Onye ne me Nma (the one that does good)
Nara Ekele (receive my thanks)
Nara otuto (receive my praise)
Nara Ekele (receive my thanks)
Onye na gwom oria (the one that heals my diseases)
Nara Ekele, o o o Nara Ekele (receive my thanks o receive my thanks)
3rd chorus
Onye kere uwa , owu ya kibu
(creator of the world, that’s who you are)
Onye na gwo oria, owu ya kibu
(The one that heals, that’s who you are)
Onye na bia ozo, owu ya kibu
(the soon and coming , that’s who you are)
Nmalite na ogugu ,owu ya kibu
(the beginning and the end, that’s who you are)
Okosisi ne ye ndu (the tree of life)
Nara Ekele (receive my thanks)