MUSIC: ScanJoe – Ninkale (FREE Download)


Zambia —  Ninkale means a resting place. Basically this song describes someone who needs a resting place in kingdom of God. One can have a wealthy life and the other can live a poor life, but at the end of it all both needs the touch of God. As it says Christ is to live.


ScanJoe, born Joseph Mwafulirwa is a Zambian Gospel singer who started developing his creativity and ability in music at a very young age listening to R&B music likes of David Archuleta and Casting Crowns, Now having the confidence to praise the name of God with his voice and to magnify him with thanksgivings. ScanJoe a prompt person who wants to fill a soul with heavenly thoughts and move one to righteous action.Other words that describe him are Happy, Courageous and Passionate young man.

Twitter: @scanjoem

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