
Nathaniel Bassey Reveals His Plans For The Next Couple Of Weeks | @nathanielblow

Nathaniel Bassey

Nathaniel Bassey shares his plans for the next couple of weeks, indicating that it is not a challenge. The Nigerian Gospel artiste who recently hosted the #HalleluyahChallenge took to Instagram to announce his routine from today July 7th 2017.

“Now this isn’t meant to be another challenge. This is just something I want to do from tomorrow – 7th, July, 2017. for a couple of weeks.

And thought to let you in on it. 
Basically, We’ll be enjoying the presence of Jesus through worship and His word.

This already should be your daily routine, however it would feel special knowing You are doing so with other brethren.” 

The Olowogbogboro singer went on to buttress his point, giving a detailed explanation of this routine. He revealed that he would be waking up by 4:45 daily, listen to a couple of worship songs and then pray in the spirit between 45 minutes and 1 hour.

After which he would then take about 45 minutes to study the word. He also suggested bible verses to study and meditate on and encouraged us to meditate and memorize those scriptures.

Here’s what I’m doing, waking up as early as possible, say 4:45 am or a more convenient time for you. Boot for about 10-15 mins(lol)

Then I’ll plug some Terry Macalmon worship songs( Feel free to use your favorite worship songs, songs you connect with easily) to my ears and just worship and pray in the Spirit for about 45mins-1hr.

Then I’d spend another 45-1hr on the word. Now, most of you work in the mornings and would have to prepare for work. A quality 30min-45mins should do for both.

So you can prepare for work. And return for another round just before you retire to bed.
I’m reading The Book of JOHN, ACTS & EPHESIANS. Would add some psalms and proverbs too, daily.”

Nathaniel Bassey concluded by dropping Colossians 2:16 and urged us to be on the lookout for live broadcasts during this month

Colossians 3:16 – “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

And from time to time if you feel led to do your mid night praise, ride on!
And look out for some LIVE broadcasts as well. This should last the whole of this month.
Let’s enjoy this amazing God.

Also look out for details on the next Hallelujah FESTIVAL/CHALLENGEexpress. … 11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart”
Psalm 119:11

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