Song Title: All Things Beautiful. Artiste: Onoji Kalebson. In an age of acceleration, an era seduced by the instantaneous pressing us into...
Song Title: If No Be God (INBG). Artiste: GIDYON. Stream The Audio Below: Lyrics Gradually I have seen you do The things you...
Song Title: Words Can’t Describe. Artiste: Susan Peter. Stream The Audio Below: Lyrics Verse 1: You love is deeper Deeper than I...
Montreal based singer-songwriter and producer Mya Luv immerses you in a genuine, organic, heart-felt and ethereal universe song titled “Stronger Than Human”....
Song Title: I Worship You. Artiste: Minister Onyeka (Featuring Victor Prince). Artist Biography Onyeka Akunna also known as Minister Onyeka was once a...
Taraba State Born singer, Joseph G is out with his highly anticipated single titled “Opomulero” which means ‘My Pillar’ when translated from the...
For his second single of the year, prolific singer-songwriter Clifford Enobun, joins forces with frequent collaborator, the award winning music producer Dotkeez...
Somy Ohuabunwa is thrilled to announce the release of her sophomore single, “For Your good” which was made available worldwide on Friday,...
Oscars releases “From The Low” featuring Spillz Ochai. A typical example of a song that satisfies both the craving of the spirit...
Tjsarx continues buzz with his new anthem “The Boy Is Blessed (TBIB)” with a stunning music video. Watch it below
Song Title: Jesus. Artiste: Dorcas Emmanuel Jesus. Stream The Audio Below:
Song Title: Halleluyah. Artiste: Paul Agubata Adams. Stream The Audio Below: