President Obama
American president Barack Obama has called for the release of an American pastor Saeed Abedini who has been held in an Iranian prison for more than 18 months. Pastor Saeed Abedini is being held for his Christian beliefs.
President Obama said in front of 3,500 people gathered at the Washington Hilton for the 2014 edition of the National Prayer Breakfast.
“We pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini. He’s been held in Iran for more than 18 months—sentenced to eight years in prison on charges relating to his Christian beliefs. And as we continue to work for his freedom today, again, we call on the Iranian government to release Pastor Abedini so he can return to the loving arms of his wife and children in Idaho.”
TIME Magazine reports that President Obama also mentioned Kenneth Bae, an American missionary being held in North Korea for allegedly trying to overthrow the North Korean government.
“His family wants him home. And the United States will continue to do everything in our power to secure his release because Kenneth Bae deserves to be free.” The president said.
The National Prayer Breakfast is an annual event that gathers politicians and faith leaders for prayer and discussions.The 2014 edition was the 62nd.
The American Center for Law and Justice, in a reaction to President Obama’s plea said:
“We are extremely pleased that President Obama publicly recognized Pastor Saeed’s plight. With President Obama highlighting this tragic case of religious persecution, we’re hopeful that this new level of engagement by our government—President Obama publicly calling on Iran to release Pastor Saeed—will bring even more attention to the unjust treatment of a U.S. citizen who has been imprisoned for more than a year simply because of his Christian faith.
We’re grateful for President Obama’s remarks and call on Iran to release Pastor Saeed so that he can return to his family in Idaho.”
The American Center for Law & Justice represents Pastor Saeed’s wife, Naghmeh, and their two young children who reside in Idaho.