The priests attempted to prove their profession all to no avail. As they were leaving they were approached by a member of staff who then realized they were telling the truth.
The staff thereafter apoloised and his apology was greeted by a round of applause from locals.
The assistant manager at The City Arms, Matt Morgan, explained further that after the apology, they offered the priests a free round of drinks.
“When we realised our mistake we quickly apologised to the priests and thankfully they were all great sports and saw the funny side of the situation.
We offered them a free round of drinks and they were happy to stay and continue their evening in the pub.
Our Rev James ale is one of our most popular beers so it was great to have a real-life Reverend James and his fellow priests enjoying a pint or two!”
The Archdiocese of Cardiff also took time out to thank the city arms for their kind gesture and informed the bar that a number of them are regular visitors.
“We’d like to thank the City Arms for being good sports through all of this and their kind gesture to our seminarians.
– And please note a number of our clergy, including the Archbishop of Cardiff, frequent your bar so don’t turf any more out please!”