Gotham is a journey through a chaotic city which also serves as a bridge of hope. Real music that speaks to the...
Rapper, poet and philosoper Rhye of Fouth Dimension churns out a new recrord “Beyond The III”; the lead single off his forth...
From the stables of Fourth Dimension comes Rhye with a classic hip hop piece titled “Average Dust”. In 4minutes 10 seconds, he...
Here is arguably one of the BEST hip hop projects EVER to come out of Nigeria!!! Abiodun Teslim Alabi, popularly known as...
On the follow-up to his debut single “Lost & Found”, Rhye (Asad-Ali) of the group ‘The Fourth Dimension’ returns with ‘Rock The...
Rhye, a member of the hip hop trio ‘Fourth Dimension’ expresses deep and real issues regarding Christianity in this masterpiece branded “Lost...