Artist: Isabella Title: The Secret Place Rendezvous Live (Season 1) Featured Artist: Noel Robinson & Evans Ogboi With an unconventional new...
Renowned music director and producer, Emmanuel Awipi popularly known as Grandpa delivers yet another masterpiece titled “Jesus Did It”, featuring amazing vocalist...
Artist: Tomi Favored Song Title: Jehovah (Remix) In a chat with Praiseworld Radio about the new single, the US based singer said...
Brandon Camphor & OneWay are making noise with their first radio single in five years – “God of Mercy” (TOMii Entertainment/GoDigiPath) which recently...
Three-time GRAMMY® nominated artist, composer, and producer Mali Music unveiled “Cry,” a soul-stirring new ballad from his soon to be released fifth album, Book of Mali (August 14th)....
Nigerian Afro Hip Hop artiste LC Beatz whips out the official video for his critically acclaimed single “Atelewo”. The visuals are filled...
Just after releasing the live visuals for her single “Miracle Working God” Aghogho follows her latest video release “Miracle Working God”, with...
Following the successful release of his debut single, You, several months back, as well as his sophomore single, the soulful worship tune,...
Nashville, TENN – Chart topping, award winning hip-hop artist and creative KB gives us “ 10K ’ reasons to celebrate during these extraordinary times...
GRAMMY® nominated Hillsong Young & Free, the youth movement born out of Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia, announces the release of two brand new singles, “World Outside...
Tunji Dairo a.k.a TJ Dairo is a multi-talented recording artist, producer and music director based in the United Kingdom. With deep family...
Nigerian AfroGospel artiste Limoblaze has got a fun and engaging video to go along with his latest single “Blow My Mind”. Watch...