The Epistle of Paul to Gen Z ministers written by Pastor Dele Osunmakinde
Dear Gen Z Timothy,
Grace & peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
I write to you with d warmth and wisdom of one who has seen the past scrolls unroll into d tablets and screens of today. I’ve observed from afar, understanding as much as possible, the beats of your generation—Generation Z. Amid d whirl of hashtags and viral trends, I see a deep search for truth and authenticity that echoes the timeless human quest. This very search makes the Gospel ever more relevant, as it offers an anchor in d fluidity of modern life.
I would meticulously cite my sources, and in this spirit, I reference my previous correspondence with the first-century Timothy. You might find it heartening to know that, in a way, my epistles are still trending, continuing to guide and enlighten.
As I sit here in my minimalist space, surrounded by technology that connects us across d digital landscape, I am compelled to write to you, my spiritual son, as you navigate the complex and ever-evolving urban environment where you have been called to serve (2 Timothy 1:2).
Embrace Authentic Leadership
Timothy, you are a Gen Z pastor, a digital native fluent in the language of social media, memes, and viral content. Yet, in this sea of constant connectivity, it’s crucial to hold fast to d authentic, unfiltered message of the Gospel. I urge you to use your platform not just to engage with trends but to set them—be a trendsetter in truth, in love, and in faith (1 Timothy 4:12).
Guard The Message in a Trend-Driven World
In a culture where “stories” last for a moment and “tweets” may fly in the winds of controversy, preserve the timeless narrative of Christ. Teach with clarity &depth, avoiding ephemeral traps of clickbait theology. People are hungry for more than just content; they crave real connection—to God and each other (1 Timothy 6:20).
Develop a Diverse &Supportive Community
The church should set the tone in contextualizing d diversity of its urban context. Be bold as you confront countercultures by building alternatives. This will not always be comfortable—it requires constant dialogue and a commitment to understanding. But in this, we see d Kingdom prevailing (1 Timothy 5:1-2).
Confronting Challenges with Wisdom
You face challenges unique to your generation—drug, sex, and a profound quest for identity. Address these from the pulpit with sensitivity and wisdom. Equip your congregation with biblical insight to navigate these complexities, fostering resilience and hope (2 Timothy 1:7).
Mentorship & Discipleship
In your influence, remember d importance of mentorship. As I have endeavoured to guide you, seek to invest in others. Discipleship is not merely about imparting knowledge but about walking alongside others in their faith journey (2 Timothy 2:2).
Personal Holiness and Self-Care
Adopting d same pattern is tempting in a city that never sleeps. However, lead by example in self-care and Sabbath. Your spiritual vitality is essential, for “the labourer deserves his rest.” Nourish your own relationship with the Lord in prayer & meditation, away from d noise and haste (1 Timothy 4:16).
Endure & Persevere
You will encounter opposition, both from within and outside the church. Stay grounded in the Scripture and let your love for God and His people be the anchor that sustains you. Perseverance will be your testament (2 Timothy 3:12-14).
Lastly, Timothy, watch over the Life Church family with diligence. Please encourage them to engage with their local communities to be salt and light in the concrete jungles and digital forums. Let your teaching be full of grace, seasoned with the kind of humour that opens hearts, but let it always lead back to the profound truth of the Gospel (2 Timothy 4:5).
May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with your spirit (2 Timothy 4:22).
In Christ,
I, PD, who wrote this epistle, greet you in the Lord.
Written by Pastor Dele Osunmakinde
Pastor Dele Osunmakinde is the founding pastor of The Baptizing Church (TBC) who through his study and meditations on the Word, reasons, strategizes, develops and create ideas, concepts and things. Pastor Dele is also an author, nation-builder, transformational leader, researcher, husband and father who gives sense to his environment through the written Word because he knows all things are made by it.