I started Podcasting officially June 2019. Some told me Nigerians are not into Podcasts, but hey, I heard the same about Online Radio 8 years ago before I launched Praiseworld Radio.
6 months, One Season of 15 episodes after, The Telling Bible Stories Podcast has recorded over 6,000 downloads, with ardent listeners turned family, who get inspired every week by these Bible stories told in today’s language.
After a short break, I’m back to start a new season. I’d love you to join in, to experience the Bible come alive as I tell these stories weekly.
The trailer for Season Two is now out. It’s titled HANDS UP (Or They’ll Beat Them Hands Down).
Bible Reference – Exodus 17
Listen Here:
To support me, and help me produce more inspiring Bible Story Podcasts, please click the link in description (or copy the link and paste in your browser)
Click here to donate: https://www.patreon.com/tolaomoniyi
PODCAST: The Fall of Queen Athaliah | Telling Bible Stories with TOLA (E6)
PODCAST: The Animal King (Nebuchadnezzar) | Telling Bible Stories with TOLA (E9)