Over the weekend the gospel music sensations Jonathan McReynolds and Travis Greene were both invited to perform at Donald Trump’s Inaugural ball.
Travis Greened took to social media to announce that he had accepted the invitation and would be performing at the event while on the other hand Jonathan McReynold’s took to the internet to decline the invitation stating that it was not a good fit for him at this time while also stating that it was important for the Christian community to play a part. He had this to say:
Over the weekend, I was invited to sing at an Inaugural Ball in D.C. celebrating the nation’s new president. He had the following to say about the invitation:
Let’s marinate on that for a second. I grew up a straight up nerd heading toward meteorology or computer engineering but now as a Christian singer/songwriter, regardless of how it happened and who the PEOTUS is, I WAS INVITED TO THE INAUGURAL BALL.
But, I respectfully declined. “Respectfully” because Donald Trump is, in fact, soon to be the president of the United States. Regardless of his history, his quotes, and even his disrespect of President Obama and others, as a man, as a man of God, you must respect the position of even those you don’t agree with. We bless those that curse us. Sucks sometimes, but it’s our challenge.
I declined because I simply don’t believe this opportunity was for ME. (I wouldn’t have been able to sing any “Life Music” either.) God’s people absolutely need to be there though, whether they are praying, speaking, or singing. I pray the Body of Christ NEVER gets comfortable publicly rebuking ITSELF, it’s own people, when they take meetings, take opportunities, to affect and touch leaders, especially the ones we don’t agree with.