UNILAG, STAND UP!!! You can’t afford to miss out on this Powerful Music and Dance Drama Outreach.
Happening live Today the 19th of June at the UNILAG Main Auditorium with Guest appearance; Cobhams Asuquo
The Dance group known popularly known as SOD took to their Instagram page to share the news, announcing that it must not be missed:
“We keep it ? no fakery… Spirit of David is coming to you live at Unilag and luth with the truth and reality wrapped up in a story told with dance you don’t want to miss this. And it’s free!!!! Each one tell one”
Cobhams also shared the news informing his fans that he would be at Unilag performing with the popular Spirit of David:
“A beautiful morning to you all,would be at the Unilag Main Auditorium today by 6pm with the Spirit Of David gospel Dance Club And The Sovereign Army Fellowship. Promises to be a fun filled evening,see you there.”
Spirit of David (SOD) was born in O.A.U, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. It began in April 1997. It came to Pastor Segun Lawal in the shower. Later that night at a fellowship meeting, he made an announcement asking all those interested in joining a dance school to put down their names and about two hundred people signed up. The first meeting was called but only seven people showed up that rainy Friday night
November 27, 1997, the very first Spirit of David show – UNORTHODOX – was held at the Amphi Theatre of the O.A.U and over 3,000 students were crammed into the hall with bated breath, for the first dance to start. The crowd of students grew by the minute. This was the first time a God based group was ticketing for a program.
It has been 20 years since Spirit of David began. In that time, so much has happened. The club has grown from one branch to twelve other locations around Nigeria and the world. Members have increased from seven in Ife to over a thousand. There are 300 active members across the branches worldwide.