Artist: The Vokoder (Ifechukwude Samuel)
Song Title: Jesus
Featured Artist: Abraham Fabian
Produced By Joe Keyz.
This simple song with a unique sound which speaks about how wonderful, loving and mind blowing our lord JESUS is and also the efficacy of the name of JESUS.
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Your name is a miracle, your name is a comforter, your name is the mighty God, Jesus
(I feel safe when I call your name)
There is non like you, you got the whole world in your hands, you are God alone, you are my strong tower, I run in and I’m safe, every kneel must bow, every tongue confess, Jesus you’re high above everything yes you are, your name is everything to me, common help me sing
Your name is high above other name, your name is high above other name, Jesus you’re high above everything yes you are, your name is everything to me
No one like you Jesus, no one like you Jesus, you are God, God all by yourself, at the mention of your name every kneel must bow, Jesus you’re high above everything yes you are, your name is everything to me, lift your voice and say
Your name is high above other name, your name is high above other name, Jesus you’re high above everything yes you are, your name is everything to me
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, you’re more than life to me
Jesus you’re more than life to me, you’re more than life to me, your name is everything to me
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, you’re more than life to me