A life once lived right is a life worth given twice. Because we live in a world full of noise, it is expected for us to at least calm our nerves and listen to what our inner mind wants for us. And there we go, looking to satisfy what our heart desires rather than desiring from our heart what we want to give back to the world because not everybody has that zeal to keep pushing; to keep dreaming.
And there comes a man born of a woman who wouldn’t ignore his calling for life nor forsake his duties by chance. Here is that man who has lived a million ways in the heart of men rather than die a thousand times in the mind of humans.
The reality of life is not in living to please the world but in living to glorify the Word from which we all came into existence. This is the man we call Papa because of the fatherly care he has shown to us even though we cannot fully grasp what it takes to be in such a position to cater for so many.
Too many pages will suffer editing and proofreading if we are granted the opportunity to say everything we know about you because mere words can’t quantify the love you have for us and for the world.
There comes a time in one’s life when the world is ready to listen to whatever one has to say. The world giving you listening ears isn’t as a result of your manliness but as a result of your usefulness.
This is exactly that man who is a leader ready to serve, a father ready to listen and a book willing to be read. This is the man the world is celebrating, the man the world holds in high esteem. The man we all crave to emulate his leadership skills.
Reverend Wale Akinronbi is the man; the man the world popularly knows as Revd. Wales. Through him we have learnt the ethics of life namely punctuality, honesty, giving, hardworking etc.
The world sings your praise this season. Indeed you have impacted into our lives. With all this things you have done for us, we still believe in you passionately and love you permanently. Truly, you are that man who is living one life in a million ways.
Much love from the world.
P.S Happy Birthday in advance to our angel of Father’s House – Revd Wales. It’s going to be an October 12th like no other.
Article contributed by Olubiyi Ajayi