Sacred God by Wemi Moore is a song about God’s sovereignty.
Wemi Moore is a recording artist, song writer and worship leader.
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SACRED GOD by wemi Moore (LYRICS)
How can I describe Your hand that held me through it
How could I ever say I did it on my own
Its Your mercy, keeps keeping me
And Your Grace, just a sinner saved by Grace
Who would not worship a God like You
I lift my hands to honour You
Sacred, Sovereign, Mighty King
Perfect in ALL Your ways
Who would not serve a God like You
I lift my hands to honour You
Sacred, Sovereign, Mighty King
Perfect in ALL Your ways
Your blood, it cleanses
Your Word, it delivers me
Day in day out take the pleasure in lifting You my King
Ever flowing fountain I can run to you
You hold the world in the hollow of your hands
Great & mighty God, Tsidkenu
I live to worship you