Gospel Diva, Ada Ehi, put up an encouraging post on her Instagram page recently.
“Dearest! Anyone who consistently discredits you, questions your God given gifts and abilities should not be around you at all!!! RUN!! RUNNnnnnn ? as far away as you can from them!! Let your heels touch the back of your head! ? • • •
They have questioned your life’s purpose and by doing that have questioned Gods choice of you… you need to realise that these people are nothing but poison and destroyers and can be a hindrance to the flow and move of God as long as you remain in fellowship or company of them. • • •
Anyone who bears such tales plants strife and unhealthy competition because they set themselves up and their cohorts into trying to outdo you just to prove to you that they’re better than you… even when you’re quietly on your lane doing what God has laid in your heart…… Sad! Let go… be free of such, you deserve better please!
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Why don’t you surround yourself with Godly people who inspire you and encourage you to be more? Who push you to outdo your past and breed love, joy and Godly sanity around you? • • •
My dearest, Run the heavenly race ? Not a race to anyone’s heart…. Your much more than the opinion of any man! Even God himself gave you the gift of choice and has asked you, “How far Can You See” And if God himself says you are good enough then YOU ARE!
#Ada #AdaEhi #ADAiOVERCAME #iOvercame #Gospel #WomanOfGrace #Edifice #AJesusGeneration #Pacesetter #Flourishing #Spreading #FutureNow #CentralBankOfZion #FreeNationINC #TheLadygod #SubstanceWithStyle”
Ada Ehi released the visuals to her new song I Overcame recently and had a chat with Media personnel to talk about the video, the message behind it and the challenges herself her team faced during the shoot. Her music videos have brought a level of creativity and quality to a whole new level.
The I Overcame video is proof that there is stopping for Ada, as she continues to release not just anointed songs, but powerful expressions of these songs through videos.